As in previous years, in autumn 2024 we called for submissions of FAIR-published datasets.
We are pleased to see that the number and quality of submissions continues to increase. This shows that FAIR data are becoming more and more popular. And rightly so, because in the digital age, publishing FAIR data is no longer a challenge, but an asset.

Today, we are happy to present a winner from the pool of applicants: Dr Daniel Kowalczyk from the University of Ulm.
After completing his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree at the University of Stuttgart, he successfully completed his doctorate at the University of Ulm in 2024.
His submitted data set deals with ‘Characterisation Data of the ModularPhotoreactor’ (
The prize will be presented on 15 March 2025 at the JCF Spring Symposium in Münster.
FAIR4Chem Award
The FAIR4Chem Award aims to encourage chemists to make their research data openly available to the chemical community in accordance with the FAIR principles. To this end, the best dataset(s) will be awarded 500 euros each year (financed by the Chemical Industry Fund).