2 important events took place in Jena in November
Digital Summit
On 20th and 21st November, the Federal Government’s Digital Summit took place in Jena. As part of the “Market of Digital Opportunities”, an accompanying program open to the general public as well as researchers and students, NFDI4Chem offered a BarCamp titled “From Labs to Likes: the digital morphosis of science and society”, and was present at a joint booth together with other NFDI consortia, where visitors could find out more about various aspects of research data management.
Consortium Meeting
For the second time since the start of NFDI4Chem, all consortium and Advisory Board members, as well as partners of the consortium, had the chance to meet each other in person at our annual Consortium Meeting. This time, the meeting took place in Jena, the City of Light and hometown of the applicant institution Friedrich Schiller University.
In the historical building of the Normannenhaus, almost 80 participants received updates from the six task areas, exchanged ideas and discussed a wide range of topics of technical and strategic dimensions. Next to four inspiring “out of the box”-talks, which gave diverse perspectives on the work of NFDI4Chem, 25 posters invited for lively discussions on recent achievements and software demos. On a “feedback and wishlist board” participants were able to bring up their own topics and wishes for the second funding phase. These topics built the base for a fruitful discussion in the plenary on the second day. Ultimately, a panel discussion of the Advisory Board members and the Steering Committee resulted in valuable advice for the second proposal. The meeting was concluded with two workshops dealing with communication strategies and (metadata) standards, respectively.