NFDI4Chem and NFDI4Ing cooperate on data management plans
In a memorandum of understanding, the two consortia NFDI4Chem and NFDI4Ing have agreed to increase and consolidate their cooperation in the field of data management plans. This is intended to take account of the increasing importance of data management plans.
In data management plans, researchers define which data is stored where, how and why, whether it is sensitive or even ethically relevant data, who has access to it and many other details.
This makes them a fundamental instrument of research data management. They support researchers in developing their data strategy. For interdisciplinary research projects, they are a suitable means of communication to create a common understanding.
At the same time, their further development into machine-capable DMPs supports the future NFDI service architecture.
As part of the agreement, NFDI4Chem will receive its own client of the “Research Data Management Organiser” (RDMO) DMP tool already provided by NFDI4Ing. A chemistry-specific DMP template will be installed here. Together, NFDI4Chem and NFDI4Ing want to further improve the service and drive forward the necessary standardisation in the area of data management plan templates.

The inter-consortial co-operation offers positive effects for interdisciplinary research projects and is an important factor for the success of the NFDI.