NFDI4Chem Conference Train

Active for the community

The conference train continues its journey in 2023. Like last year, the NFDI4Chem-Team visited numerous conferences to present booths and/or posters, held workshops and network to inform the community about current progress and what we can do for chemists.

Some of us have been at the Cambridge Cheminformatics Network Meetings, the Ontology Summit 2023, the Global Women’s Breakfast (an IUPAC initiative), the RDA (Research Data Alliance) Deutschland Tagung 2023, the WorldFAIR IUPAC Webinar Series “What is a chemical”, the DPhG DoktorandInnentagung 2023 in Bonn, the e-Science Tage 2023 in Heidelberg, the Chemiedozententagung 2023 & the DPG Frühjahrstagung (SMuK23) in Dresden, the JungChemikerForum-Frühjahrssymposium in Gießen, the RDA 20th Plenary Meeting in Göteborg, the 44. PPNMR-Tagung (Praktische Probleme der Kernresonanzspektroskopie) in Berlin, and the ACS Spring Meeting 2023 in Indianapolis. 

The slides from the workshop on research data management at the Chemiedozententagung in Dresden can be found here.

More Infos and impressions on our actions you may find on our Conference Train overview