The International Data Week (IDW) is the biggest conference on data and data science. It is co-organized by the Research Data Alliance (RDA), International Science Council’s Committee on Data (CODATA), and World Data Systems (WDS). This year’s IDW took place from October 23rd to 26th in Salzburg themed “A Festival of Data”, combining the RDA 21st Plenary Meeting and SciDataCon 2023 by CODATA and WDS.
More than 800 participants from 46 countries (online and in-person) took the chance to discuss data and developments in topics and fields related to data. They met in more than 90 sessions, 6 plenaries, a poster session, and many coffee breaks.

Obviously also present: members of the NFDI4Chem consortium contributed in total 4 posters to the poster session on Tuesday evening. Recent efforts and developments within the consortium were shown. Here, fruitful discussions emerged and interactions on a global level were deepened.
Furthermore, Felix Bach of Task Area 3 “Repositories” contributed with a talk to the session “Beyond FAIR: Reusing Chemical Data Across-disciplines with CARE, TRUST, and Openness” on Thursday morning.
The poster is published at Zenodo.
Fabian Fink of Task Area 5 “Community Involvement and Training”, awarded a scholarship from RDA Germany. He blogged about the IDW 2023 on the RDA Germany homepage, which you can find here (in German language only).

After IDW 2023 in Salzburg, the journey continues. The RDA will meet in 2024 for their 22nd Plenary online and their 23rd Plenary in San José, Costa Rica. RDA, CODATA, and WDS come together in October 2025 for the next International Data Week in Brisbane, Australia. Certainly, you will see some familiar faces of the NFDI4Chem consortium there as well.