The research data alliance (RDA) held its 20th plenary during March 21-23 in Gothenburg, Sweden. More than 700 participants enjoyed 53 sessions and several co-located events.

There is plenty of coverage and outcomes on the RDA 20th Plenary Meeting – Gothenburg site. Of particular interest to (and co-organised by!) NFDI4Chem was the session on Describing diverse chemistry datasets across distributed data resources (the recording can be found here).
Felix Bach and Christian Bonatto Minella of Task Area 3 “Repositories” also attended the co-located event ‘The WorldFAIR Project’s Cross-Domain Interoperability Framework’ on March 20, presented by Simon Hodson (Executive Director CODATA) and Arofan Gregory (CODATA). The event aimed to explain the reasoning behind the Cross-Domain Interoperability Framework (CDIF), present its current vision, including activities, functions, and standards, and provide an update on the work’s progress.
Ann-Christin Andres and Daniela Hausen from Task Area 5 participated in the co-located DCC event “Machine-Actionable DMPs”. Here, the focus was not only on contributions from individual operating universities, but also on discussions in parallel sessions. Topics were of a technical, content-related and awareness-raising nature. What content should be mapped in DMPs? With which tools should DMPs exchange data automatically? Which standard should be chosen for this? How can researchers be persuaded to use DMPs? It became apparent that work is being done internationally on similar topics as in the infra-DMP group, so that collaborations are being planned here.
After P20 is before P21, save-the-date: October 23-26, 2023, Salzburg, Austria.