The NFDI4Chem Knowledge Base has been restructured and now also includes a separate section on data publication.
We are proud to announce the launch of the restructured NFDI4Chem Knowledge Base.

Entry Points
You can now enter the Knowledge Base via six different entry points:
- Choose Get started to jump to the introduction, with child pages on the FAIR Data Principles as well as the Data Life Cycle.
- Select the Domains category and you will be led to selected sub-disciplines of chemistry. The articles each contain key information on analytical methods employed and how to deal with the data they produce in a FAIR manner.
- Choose Roles such as group leader or student to find out what topics are particularly relevant depending on your respective role.
- In Handling Data, you will find information on data management plans and data organisation, documentation as well as storage and archiving.
- Electronic Lab Notebooks will lead you to the concept of the Smart Lab, including child pages on ELNs and Chemotion ELN.
- The completely new entry point, Data Publication, introduces the concept and benefits of research data publishing and highlights two primary methods for data publication. Dedicated child pages on research data repositories assist you in understanding and choosing the right repository for your research data.. Further pages provide information on data articles, data availability statements, and machine-readable chemical structures. The best practice page now also includes information on how to use dataset persistent identifiers (PIDs) in scientific articles.
Further features
A very brief overview of recommended, trusted, and chemistry-friendly repositories was squeezed out of our Knowledge Base and is now also accessible in an updates page on on chemistry repositories.
The Knowledge Base pages are all curated in a GitHub repository and everyone is welcome to contribute to the NFDI4Chem Knowledge Base! All articles so far have been authored by an appropriate expert and subsequently reviewed by our editorial team.
Should you wish to author a new article or contribute to an existing one, please get in touch with us via
We have been requested by the chemistry community in Germany to provide a German-language edition of the NFDI4Chem Knowledge Base, and we are pleased to announce that it will be available soon.
Stay tuned!