Lead of TA 3
FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastucture
Matthias Razum is head of the e-Research department at FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure. He studied business informatics. After his diploma, he joined FIZ Karlsruhe in 1995 as a software developer. Since 2004, he has focused on the design and implementation of solutions for research data management, virtual research environments and digital long-term archiving. He has conducted research on these topics in several large BMBF and EU projects (e.g. eSciDoc, SCAPE) and built infrastructures together with partners from science and humanities in various DFG-funded projects.
Since 2017, he has been responsible for the operation of the generic research data repository RADAR, which is currently used by 14 universities and research institutions in Germany. He currently supervises a team of 32 software engineers, UX designers, project managers and domain experts. Matthias has participated in several working groups on research data management on a national and state level. Between 2010 and 2017, he served as a steering committee member of the International Conference on Open Repositories. He is a steering committee member of the Preservation and Archival Special Interest Group as well as of the steering group “Digital Information” of the Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany.

Lead of TA 3 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Felix Bach works on generic RDM, data analysis and machine learning at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He develops and run several RDM- and long-term bit preservation services at the Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC). Beside that, he is part of the joint management of the service team RDM@KIT, that supports researchers in designing, using and adapting KIT’s infrastructure to discipline-specific requirements, and with RDM training and education.
Felix Bach works on data repositories and electronic lab notebooks (i.e. chemotion) as well as big data management and analysis. He has developed a generic concept and software framework for structural analysis of huge multivariate time series data. He works in several large scale data management projects including bwDataArchive in which the first generic research data archive infrastructure was built up. Other projects focused on improving data flows between heterogeneous RDM systems, integrating existing systems as part of the research data cycle and creating and installing RDM policies as well as an RDM support team. He is engaged in several projects and initiatives that foster open source research software and their sustainability e.g. as part of the task group research software within the Helmholtz Community. He is also engaged in the RDA, RDA-DE and regional RDM forums to make research reproducible by advancing FAIR and Open Access research data.